Thursday 22 September 2011

'Good is..." - Brainstorming and Development

After the feedback from my presentation I started a bit of brainstorming to start refining what I thought was 'good' about ipods. This started leading onto many of the other elements that come with and ipod e.g. the personal aspect of the ipod.
The below headers are some of the leading off ideas I went along;


  •  available to everyone (range from £40-£400) so the price isn't a main factor affecting who buys what
  • The model you buy depends more on WHO you are and what things you do e.g. a runner would have a shuffle/nano ipod because it is light when running
  • age groups - older generation could have a smaller sized ipod because there was less music available to them in comparison to now so would have a smaller memory ipod
  • Music lovers with huge libraries of itunes e.g. DJs would have a larger ipod to help store it all
  • Hugely depends on the number of songs you have
  • stayed the same layout and basic settings all the way through
  • the buttons and design of it hasnt changed much (interior)
  • only the weight and storage space has changed
  • there are now more avaialble applications on each ipod e.g. internet, camera, movies, radio

  • Guilty pleasures - you can make playlists of the music you want to listen to but no one and know/guess your guilty pleasure - becomes a private secret
  • Ipods hold your true musical passion
  • character - you can like about liking a certain type of music but you can lie about who you are, music defines and characterises a person and you wouldn't have a whole ipod of music you don't like if you were pretending to be someone else. 
  • musical stereotypes of genres
  • Ipods changed the face of music and ensured the transition between CDs to digital and downloads
  • Less bulk and more space,
  • accessible everywhere - don't have to carry a bag of CDs around
  • less valuable, more disposable - you just see a name on a screen rather than a product you can hold
  • easier to loose, just press delete button or your computer wipes memory
  • backup - CDs means you have a hard copy of the file, most people don't back up songs on CDs now
  • Illegal downloads - less risky and less guilt than going into a shop and stealing something, you cant see where it is coming from and the risk that is being taken. Is is ruining the music industry?
  • which ipod fills the biggest niche in the market
  • why did it become so big - right timing or clever advertising
  • icon and 'it' item 
  • easily recognisable - white earphones

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