Monday 23 January 2012

Booklet of Visual Stimulous / Vectors and Images to Use

Instead of clogging up my blog with a series of posts about the development / chosen images / typefaces / vectors and information that I have selected to use I have compiled it all into a booklet.

I have chosen to keep the indents very simplistic and use a couple of main images - I feel that the birds eye images of the guy DJ-ing is a very good background image. My original idea when first compiling information and pictures for this project was to have the background of the indents to be fading from bright sun light into a night sky, representing the different stages of the festival.
After trying to story board this and also playing around in after affects I felt that the sky and grass did not link in very well with the festival vibe and instead I was getting too stuck on the global gathering old promo video.

In the booklet there are the collection of photographs which I have cropped and shaped and the ones that I have decided to use in the main video and indents. I feel that out of the large collection of photographs that they are the most representational of the festival.

When starting this project I originally intended to vector a lot of the images that I was going to find then compile them into more of a cartoon piece - but this became too compliated and not actually how I wanted my video to turn out. I also found that I could not vector all the images so I was the left with a vectored and illustrator edited image of a festival tent, with this I then wanted to zoom trough the entrance of the tent and zoom into a huge crowd of people.
However after just placing the different layers on top of each other in illustrator I didn't fell that it looked very good - so I scrapped that idea.

I feel that many of the trails and errors that I have made and scrapped in this project was because I was tyring to bring two many stypes of graphics together - having watched a variety of types of motion graphics, videos and type sequences - I was trying to combine the styles of them all.

My final idea after watching some more music videos and also after talking to Lorraine who suggested listening to the track that I have chosen then closing my eyes and wrighting down what I see at every point - this really helped and I then just started to see coloured shapes. From here I just had a look at how the other music vidoes had involved the use of coloured and black out shapes in a way that wouldn't make them immidiately obvious, then trying to apply this to my work .

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