Thursday 2 February 2012

Tester video

Ident 1 from emily fairbank on Vimeo.

This was the first tester ident that I created. I made it at the time that I was having a mental block about story boarding so I decided to chose the more appropriate images and somehow involve this so that it looked as though you were moving through the crowd (like I wanted to do with my first idea for the idents.)
The video I made before this (which I didnt feel was worth rendering as it didn't really work) used the same picture but at the back of the crowd, where the white light was shining through, was cut out so that I could zoom into this picture and through to the next image. The issue I found with this was the quality of the image decreased and the picture became very pixilated, the edges also became blurred and it didn't give a smooth transition between each of the images.
So for this tester I decided just to keep the same image all the way through and instead just slowly zoom into the far point of the picture.

When first compiling this video I thought that the typeface was perfect for the video - and representing electronic music festivals very well. However when looking back at the video - the quality and the distorted nature of the type has had a serious impact on its readability. Although I still feel the style of the typeface looks good; it was not well suited for a short 10 second ident where the words on screen would only be there for a matter of seconds.

In this video I was also exprimenting with using flasing shapes of colour; doing this though quickly changing the opacity. This is what I had seen done in some of the other videos like the sub focus video and also the Tiesto and Hardwell video (which orignally inspired me to use this tequnique). However I don't really think the flashing of the shapes works very well.

Overall, at the time I was happy with how it turned out - especially after a slight mental block, but there is a huge amount of room for improvement.

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