Tuesday 18 October 2011


Typography is as much about thinking as it is about doing. It is the process in the way you do it.

Typography is the visual representation of a spoken word/speaking - it is put into a form. In terms of the evolution of human kind, is the ability to communicate ideas etc - what is written down can be spoken to someone else many many years later/way of listening to what someone has previously said
The actual form/style of type are the different voices of people. The visual style is representation of people talking to you. You have to be able to understand the different voices.

1450 - first type/written piece of text. The Revolution - books were produced and knowledge was accessible to people. Before that some of the knowledge was accepted was Religion, up to 1450 the only information that was available was by the people who could write - (Priests who wrote in Latin). Nothing really existed in the form of information other than this. There was nothing to learn or no communication.
1450, books were produced and religion became more accessable. PRINT - other people who weren't in control of the tools could produce them, this meant that other people other than Monks etc could spread information.
Reformation - total social revolution because of the printing press. This started the Global Revolution, ordinary people could start talking, coming together and organising. The power started coming through to the working people. It meant that with ideas, people started talking to people.

Today it is exiting because of the internet (revolutionary) - for the first time in 650 years there has been net change. We are in the middle of the next revolution, the INTERNET is the next development than the PRINTED BOOK. Anyone can put anything on the internet for anyone to access.

SOCIAL NETWORKING is the new verioun of books/magazines - people are starting to talk to eachother.

We are about 25 years into this revolution, look at how the technology has developed over the years and the computer is going to go through the same process over the next few years. It gives whole new rules and whole new publications for TYPOGRAPHY. Things are going to change quite dramatically over the next few years.

Typography has gone back about 20 years in the last few years, it has not developed.

MONOCHARACER - each character is the same width, 72 letters on the same length, when you came to set it, each typeface would have a number on it to say how many characters you would be able to fit onto a page width.
Based on changes, opporates accross variety

IN DESIGN was designed by a software writer but it should be designed by a TYPOGRAPHER because a software designer doesn't have much idea about typography.

Printers hate Graphic Designers - they are still 20 years behind in development
We use INDESIGN rather than CWOP-EXPRESS because of cost, it is much cheaper
In 10 years time there is going to be a new bit of software that we are all going to have to learn about


'Facing Pages' refers to a book


SHIFT - APPLE - < / > ( decrease / Increase type size gradually)

SHIFT - ALT - APPLE < / > (decrease / increase type size rapidly)

W - see the print version of your document

represent yourself through type

ANGRY DOG - sharp, angular typeface - upper and lower case - don't when going to explode. 

Shy dog - lower case, in the corner, fine style of typeface

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