Monday 21 May 2012

New Colour Choice

After printing out and putting together the packaging I felt that the colours I were using were not giving the right vibe off and not right for the target audience. When I was researching some packaging I found one image of a collection of work with a blue green gradient so I wanted to see how the packaging looks with gradient on. Over all I think the packaging is moving in the right direction but I just now need to have a look if it works when printed out. 
I found that when I printed the last set of nets out, the colours were a lot darker so I need to make sure I am happy with the opacity before I decide. I will also need to check how they print out on other stock rather than just the normal 80gsm. I am planning to use much thicker stock; have a range, some with a matte finish and some with a gloss finish. 

I really like the gradient with the white text, logo and the brand name, I think that this is the colour that should represent the new line for the adverts in the shop and the website. 

Below are a few designs that I was working on before the gradients above. I wanted to use more than one colour for the front of the label but even though I felt the designs were moving in the right direction I still felt that the designs were not very sophisticated and looked cheep, luckily I feel that by using the gradient it moved the aura of the line up a notch.

At this point the labels were going from bad to worse with the colour of the type!

I felt that the use of two colours are moving in the right direction however I don't feel they are sophisticated and stylish enough as of yet. 

This was the set of packaging and designs that I found and loved. 

Playing out with gradients. I felt for the packaging this was too dark so I reduced the opacity. 

Playing with basic layouts

Although I feel that the gradients on the boxes above work well I just needed to print out and see how the gradients would look as a whole over the whole packaging net. 

I feel that both the top left net and the bottom right are the more successful nets. I think that having individual gradient rectangles all the way around the net is too complicate. 

Initial working with net gradients. I will see which one looks best when printed out. Just from looking on the screen I think the top left net looks good however I need to make sure it doesn't start turning into a perfume packaging box. I have chosen to stick to white text as the black is too overpowering. 

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