Wednesday 9 May 2012

Where I go from here

After the crit I found there there are a few hold and steps that I have seemed to have brushed over in an attempt to get all my work together for the crit. The feedback from the crit was incredibly useful, especially to get another persons perspective on the concept and designs so far.

Some ares that I need to go into more detail and develop further  are listen in a brief action plan below;

Research more into the other products that the Body Shop sells and designs and see how they differ / are similar to the design of the make up range.
Look at; colour schemes, typefaces, product shapes, product packaging, the information on the product

Target audience - do more primary research and find out the type of people who currently shop there
Find out what it would take for a larger age / character type to be interested in their products
Research into review of the body shop, try and find out more about the character of the existing customers

What is the selling point of the Body Shop products - then exploit this

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