Friday 8 July 2011

Communication is a Virus - Idea development

I have chosen the statement;


For this my idea is to research what catches the publics eye, and further more for a specific audience what catches their eye. 
Target audiences could be; mothers, business men and women, students
Many people follow the saying that they 'walk around with their eyes closed.' A monotonous routine can send a person into autopilot e.g. driving to and from work and sometime you can find yourself somewhere or do something without realising how. My concept is to try and jog people out of the AUTOPILOT MODE and make them open their eyes and read/look at what is around. 
The statement refers to any type of reading from newspapers, to books, to instruction manuals etc.
Personally I find something with too much text a bit overwhelming and I avoid reading it. So if a company was trying to publish information or someone not reading the fine print at the bottom of the page; important information can be missed. So one route I could look down is how to get people to read the important stuff with out switching off and how to make them aware of information, opportunities  etc are around them. 

This could be done in a very simple way, it could just be a poster saying 'look to your left/right now'....
The messages which I want to create will be designed to ENGAGE the target audience - as a way of them getting out of their routine and opening their eyes. 

Another aspect to look at and investigate is where is the most obvious place to put these messages where they cant be missed even if someone is in autopilot and thinking about anything but what is around them.

Another thought - maybe people don't want to know anything new, maybe they have enough going on in their life that they don't have time to read and appreciate anything else, in this case these messages can be simple reminders

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